How widespread is NSA surveillance?, The Luke Burbank Show, June 7, 2013
Whistleblower's NSA warning: 'Just the tip of the iceberg,' The Washington Times, June 7, 2013
Zappos Breach Goes Beyond Credit Cards: Consumers Face Identity Theft If Hackers Correlate Other Penetrated Databases, ScienceDaily, January 18, 2012 Banning All Cellphone Use in Cars, WBNG Binghampton, December 19, 2011 Ban Cellphones in Cars?, WHCU Ithaca, December 15, 2011 Should cell phone use while driving be banned?, At Issue with Ben Merens, Wisconsin Public Radio, December 14, 2011
Bigger Brother: The Exponential Law of Privacy Loss, The New Yorker, December 5, 2011 Cell Phone: A Civil Right?, WHCU Radio, August 23, 2011 > External link to podcast Is your cell phone sharing your personal information?, YNN, April 25, 2011 Could Apple Be a Real-Life Big Brother?, WENY-TV, April 22, 2011 Cornell prof warns iPhone, iPad users: "We're selling our privacy," Network World, April 21, 2011 IEEE Fellows, Cornell ECE, December 9, 2010 United States Air Force Scientific Advisory Board Selection, Cornell ECE, September 9, 2010 ECE Professor Stephen Wicker briefs US Congress on matters of network security, Cornell ECE, May 10, 2010 Cybersecurity is too reactive, needs more upfront planning, professors stress to Congress, Cornell Chronicle, May 6, 2010 Douglas Whitney '61 Award, Cornell University, 2009 Dangers to Underground Infrastructure, Newswise, July 11, 2005 US National Science Foundation: $19m security research programme, Network World, May 2005 Automated Sensor Network for Disasters, NDT Update, December 1, 2003